The renowned French fashion Maison, Louis Vuitton, recently inaugurated its brand-new Italian store in Taormina, Sicily, on August 2nd. This remarkable opening was accompanied by the launch of the first Louis Vuitton Café in Italy. Thus, this novelty further enriches the list of summer destinations that the brand already oversees in other places, such as the Hamptons, Saint Tropez, Bodrum, and Mykonos, where the ‘LV By The Pool’ collection was presented, inspired by the colors and vibes of summer, the most beloved season of the year.
The Café…
The Louis Vuitton Café by Timeo, located on the first floor of the elegant structure, blends perfectly with the imagery of the aforementioned ‘LV By The Pool’ collection, offering a style and aesthetic in perfect harmony with the interior design. Louis Vuitton’s tradition, deeply rooted since 1854, harmoniously combines with the captivating Sicilian taste. Additionally, the Café has been beautifully adorned with plants, unique design pieces, high-quality fabrics, and ceramics, creating a special atmosphere. The management of this Café is entrusted to the celebrated team of the Grand Hotel Timeo at Belmond Hotel, a true oasis of elegance and timeless style. The menu offers a delightful selection of Sicilian culinary classics, from pistachio cream croissants to mini cassatas, popular arancini, and petite desserts. Moreover, the aperitivo, served from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (extended to 11:00 PM on Fridays and Saturdays), is enhanced by a broader selection curated by Chef Roberto Toro, including the refreshing “Taormina Spritz.”
The store…
The store, nestled in a uniquely designed space, adorned with vintage furnishings and design pieces that reflect Sicilian beauty, provides the perfect backdrop to showcase the ‘LV By The Pool’ collection. Amidst all the extraordinary novelties and exclusive pieces, the standout is the ‘Taormina Neverfull’ bag, an iconic reinterpretation of the renowned model available exclusively in this store.
For those fortunate enough to spend their holidays in the marvelous Taormina, this experience will undoubtedly be an unmissable opportunity to enjoy on the island.
“Louis Vuitton continues, through these initiatives, to impeccably narrate the spirit of travel, just as it has done over these 160 years.”