Wigs are known to be one of the most fun and undemanding alternatives for changing your look. No drastic haircuts, this trend will know how to amaze you, allowing you to experiment even with different and eccentric colours while avoiding daring discolourations and dyes.
Wigs, especially lace-front wigs, are a great way to achieve the hairstyle you have been longing for in no time at all. This is nothing new, however, as the older generation grew up wearing wigs during the 60s and 70s. Today, this trend is finally back. Beloved by celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Lady Gaga and the iconic Cher, wigs are especially popular in America but are finally starting to spread in Europe too.
Over time, this stainless trend has undergone a real evolution. One of the first to clear customs for the use of wigs was Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, who started using them during the 1700s, making them his very own personal trademark.
Among the trendiest wigs in the last year, we certainly loved the ones worn by the Queen of pop Madonna. Several selfies posted on Instagram by the Vogue singer show her wearing colourful wigs, from antique pink to electric blue.
Not only celebrities though, even the fashion world is letting some of the most famous models of the moment show off their wigs on the catwalk.
And you, what do you think of this trend?