Someone once said “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”, there are others who don’t believe it at all and others who try it and fail. Today, 15th of February aka single’s day aka the day after Valentine’s, we would love to give a little bit of comfort, whether needed, to all those ones that yesterday, bombed all day long with valentine’s post and stories, have thought for a moment to give up forever with Instagram and social networks (life).
So, not only tips to spend the perfect night with our valentine’s but also a collection of suggestions to spend it with the first person we should learn to love: ourselves.
Take care of yourself and start the day with some regenerating treats: face masks, nails but above all hair (to remember: A well done hair styling is half of your look).
Choose your fave clothes, the ones that fit you better. Wear those heels that you’ve always been afraid to show because you know, in a kind of day where your ego is your first lover, overdressed is better.
Start planning a trip, alone is better, is one of the best way to find peace with our inner self, make new experiences and why not, meet someone new. Think about that destination that you’ve always dreamt about, whether it is close or far it doesn’t matter, book it! And if you don’t feel like trying this experience, call some girlfriends; a women trip in some occasions is the solution to all of your problems.
After having travelled with your imagination and planned your rosy future, for only a day… no expense spared. You deserve a shopping spree so walk through your fave streets and take a look at the shops: try, dare, dream and buy.
For the night? Easy answer. Start from an happy hour with your girlfriends and book a dinner in your fave restaurant and most important thing: no diets! Because you know, there’s not a problem that Pizza couldn’t fix, even being single.