In the incredible world of Bridgerton, the beloved Netflix TV series that captivated millions of viewers with its compelling plot and sumptuous Regency-era aesthetic, passions, secrets, and loves intertwine in a magical world of elegance and sophistication. However, this imaginary world now extends beyond the screen, embodying itself in the world of chocolate, thanks to the new praline collection presented by Witor’s, a symbol of Italian chocolate.
Since 1956, Roberto Bonetti, a Cremonese artisan, has redefined the concept of chocolate, winning over taste buds worldwide. Today, his Made in Italy company continues to blend chocolate tradition with a modern and inclusive vision, perfectly in tune with the spirit of Bridgerton.
Witor’s praline collection inspired by Bridgerton
In this extraordinary collection, each praline becomes a Bridgerton protagonist, sharing characteristics and virtues that evoke the elegant dance of a minuet, perfectly adapted to today’s society. From the timeless Boero to the delightful Bianco Cuore, Golden Original, Golden Pistachio, Noir, and Golden Salted Caramel, each creation is a sensory journey through feelings and flavors.
The Bridgerton collection by Witor’s doesn’t stop at chocolates but extends to elegant packaging, from cans to bijoux boxes, perfect for a refined gift and an Advent calendar that will make the Christmas countdown even more special.
Explore the entire collection of Witor’s pralines at and immerse yourself in the enchantment of Bridgerton through the taste of Italian chocolate.