Does it happen to you as well to have that feeling, once you’re back home from the holidays, that’s the beginning of a new year? It looks like in no time, kicks in that passage that goes from the feet on the sand to the heels on the ground, a moment during which million of thoughts and resolutions come to our mind like it was the best of the new year’s eves. The reality is that there’s no new year, that’s what the calendar says at least, but we unconsciously set ourselves new goals in those days between August and September. It doesn’t matter if our holiday lasted one week or a month, September is the new January. Is it a way of facing the coming winter in a cathartic way? Probably, fixing new goals to persuade is surely more reassuring than crying waiting for the alarm to ring again at the dawn, but which are the goals that every woman set herself in September? But above all, will we ever be able to fulfil them? Here are the most frequent ones: (and don’t even try to deny it!)
Is what the 90% of women from all over the world think during the way back home. Generally the path is the following: we spend the months from March to July eating healthy as we were Saint Laurent models, to then start with some cheats at the beginning of August because “I deserve it” to end up from the mid of august in the hellhole of the “ I don’t care, no need to wear a swimsuit anymore”. This last sentence signs the beginning of the drama that will lead us inevitably the first of September to get a membership to the most unusual gym courses with the hope of extending our summer body goals to the whole year: will this resolution ever last for more than 3 months
Alongside with the first, this is the second great September resolution: having a healthy lifestyle. With all our summer cheats that’s quite a compulsory action to take! We can say with certainty that until October the consumption of vegetables and detox teas will hit the of alcohol, ice creams and fries one but be careful…Christmas is around the corner!
“Ok, this year I’ll go to all the exhibitions in the city and I’ll finally read that stack of books that I keep there since forever” Do you even think about it? Usually, that’s the thought we all have while re-ordering all the books that we took with us on holidays with the goal of “I’ll read them at the beach” and that punctually come back home untouched but full of sand. This is a great goal to achieve, can we try to do it all together?
With the sun that damaged our hair during summer, tan that is going far away and the after-holidays puffiness, changing our look is another goal given for granted! Hair colour and cut and a new wardrobe (made of all the clothes that we’ll wear when “we’ll lose weight”) are on the agenda. Don’t worry usually we go back to the old hair colour and style around the end of November, even though with a little bit of determination we could change for real if we’re ready for it.
Here’s the big resolution of all the single ladies after the holidays: finding the charming prince! How to blame them, is it fair to have someone that will warm us with the drop-in temperature, someone that will come to the cinema with us and with whom spending magic nights with a hot chocolate? (better a tea, to fulfil the resolution n.2) Gym, diet, twist to the look and things to talk about are ready ( intentionally at least), there’s an open road down to your dream man so…take a look at the new colleagues!