Taking care of our aesthetics, speaking of the beauty universe, especially at a red carpet (but not only) is a real routine that is difficult to exclude. We know a lot of skincare remedies, from classic facial cleansing up to much more targeted and effective treatments. Among all treatments certainly Hydrafacial is one of the most popular.
This perfect combination of intense facial cleansing, microdermabrasion, hydration and peeling is the cocktail you cannot do without for your special event. A true technology that can rejuvenate the skin non-invasively, a new frontier at the cutting edge of beauty.
The Hydrafacial is a sophisticated beauty treatment that has become increasingly popular over time, thanks in part to celebrities such as Beyoncé, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and many others who choose this truly painless natural skin restoration.
This technology consists of applying solutions adapted to each skin type through spiral tips that can provide exfoliation, cleansing and hydration of facial skin. There are many active ingredients, from vitamin A, vitamin E, algae and honey extract, antioxidants, hyaluronic, glycolic, salicylic and lactic acids, urea and many more. It is a special treatment, a revolution in cosmetics also capable of reducing skin spots, all while giving our skin a completely new glow.
How many Hydrafacial treatment sessions do you need?
The number of sessions varies depending on the patient’s skin, for some people even one is enough, for others several sessions even well spread out over time. What matters, however, is the result. With this moisturizing treatment you will get the first results right away, your skin will immediately open even and radiant.
By removing dead skin cells and impurities, you will soon notice a different texture, especially in case of oily and acne-prone skin, sun damage and wrinkles.
Hydrafacial is a treatment much like a gentle facial massage, its duration is about 30 minutes, and it is important to emphasize how much it all depends on the needs of your skin and your aesthetic goals.